dfir it!

responding to incidents with candied bacon

The Supreme Backdoor Factory

Recently I was playing with VirusTotal Intelligence and while testing some dynamic behavior queries I stumbled upon this strange PE binary (MD5: 7fce12d2cc785f7066f86314836c95ec). The file claimed to be an installer for the JXplorer, a Java-based “cross platform LDAP browser and editor” as indicated on its official web page. Why was it strange? Mostly because I did not expect an installer for a quite popular LDAP browser to create a scheduled task in order to download and execute PowerShell code from a subdomain hosted by free dynamic DNS provider:

VirusTotal - JXplorer

I initially planned to keep this write-up short and focus on dissecting suspicious JXplorer binary. However, analyzing the JXplorer binary turned out to be only the first step into the world of backdoored software.

Down the Rabbit Hole With Packaged PowerShell Scripts

Several weeks ago, during one of the investigations, I needed to triage a few potentially malicious Windows executables. One of them caught my attention - a .NET binary located in a seemingly legitimate subdirectory under Program Files. At the same time the file was obfuscated (based on a quick look at FLOSS output) and according to VirusTotal it was detected as “potentially malicious” by several antivirus products. Well, I thought, even if the file turns out to be non-malicious, there must be a reason for it to be obfuscated. Oh boy, how little did I know…

TekDefense Network Challenge 001 - Walkthrough

Sometime around mid-September (of the last year!) I was tipped off about a new network forensics challenge created by @TekDefense and published on his blog. I was all up for the challenge but I did not have much time back then. Finally, I managed to spend a few evenings just before the due date to perform my analysis of the provided PCAP and document my findings.

Warning: Spoilers ahead! If you did not take the challenge yet, consider going back and trying to solve it by yourself!

Webshells: Rise of the Defenders (Part 4)

Below post is a continuation of a series dedicated to webshells. In the first part we presented a short introduction to webshells, explaining what they are and what are the most common installation vectors on victim machines. Second presented a real life intrusion scenario where webshells played a major role. In the third part we introduced defence strategies and tested webshell detection tools.

Webshells - Every Time the Same Story…(Part 3)

Last blog post in this series described the analysis of the attack with the use of webshells. Such attacks showed how difficult it is to ensure the security of the entire infrastructure to defend against them. This part focuses on the evaluation of available tools and providing prevention and mitigation recommendations.